Cluver Markotter


Crafting Solutions Through Expert Legal Insight

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A Century of Legal Excellence

We are committed to upholding standards of legal expertise while honouring our firm’s history. We believe that our past successes have laid the foundation for our future achievements, and we are proud to build on this legacy with dedication and excellence.

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Die kwessie rakende die regsaard van ‘n verdedigende eis en of dit aanleiding gee tot skuld wat onderworpe is aan die drie

Employees are often faced with a difficult situation in the workplace when falling pregnant. Many establishments react unfavourably towards female employees that

Persone wat ontwrigtende dade van onaanvaarbare gedrag in openbare plekke pleeg, mag gewaarsku en daarna deur die owerhede in hegtenis geneem word.

On 29 May 2015, in the case of Dormell Properties 282 CC v Bamberger[1], the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) set out

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